Top 10 Car Washing Mistakes

Working at the Car Wash, Yeah


car wash


You may think you’re treating your car right, taking it through the neighborhood car wash every week or washing it under the hot sun, but there’s a chance you’re not. Some of these mistakes are the most common, and you’re probably ruining your car’s finish if you’re doing them.

For example, taking your car through a car wash may seem like a good idea, but the truth is that your car’s paint is getting scratched. The “soft cloth” bristles that slam against your car to remove dirt actually collect dirt, and those contaminants can scratch your car’s finish.

Another common mistake is using a towel that you just dropped on the ground to continue cleaning or drying your car. If it’s fallen on the driveway, put it away. You don’t want to ruin your paint with random tiny pebbles that may have collected on the towel.


See More of the Top 10 Cleaning Mistakes

